December - Christmas Party
~ Patsy Franko and Pam Kidd
Things were changing things up a bit this year! Instead of setting up pretty tables and having a banquet (and I mean a banquet!), we are going to hold a casual and fun-filled Bunco party. Members will bring only themselves and a snack or dessert.
Of course we ask that members dress in Holiday attire. Patsy Franko and Pam Kidd are the party planners; this should be lots of fun.
Of course we ask that members dress in Holiday attire. Patsy Franko and Pam Kidd are the party planners; this should be lots of fun.
Patsy and Pam planned a Bunco Party for all members to enjoy and just relax. Since not all members had played Bunco or it had been a really, really long time, the Dynamic Duo included Bunco instructions with the invitation. They did ask that members wear fun Holiday attire. Some members signed up to bring a dessert and others to bring candies and snacks for the tables of four players. Beverages and desserts were set up at the end of the room for all to enjoy.
Playing was so enjoyable as we were able to become much better acquainted with many of our members as we (the losers) moved from table to table.
It was a nice change for our annual Christmas Party. Thank you Patsy and Pam!
Playing was so enjoyable as we were able to become much better acquainted with many of our members as we (the losers) moved from table to table.
It was a nice change for our annual Christmas Party. Thank you Patsy and Pam!
November - Sew-In
Once again it is time to sew to our heart's content making quilts for our Comfort Quilt Program.
The Comfort Quilt committee has pre-made quilt kits to get members started off.
Members will bring sewing machines and everything needed to our meeting. After a short business meeting, we will sew until the end of the meeting day. Pizza will be provided so members can stay and sew as long as they wish
The Comfort Quilt committee has pre-made quilt kits to get members started off.
Members will bring sewing machines and everything needed to our meeting. After a short business meeting, we will sew until the end of the meeting day. Pizza will be provided so members can stay and sew as long as they wish
October - Quilt Show Procedures and Marci Meyer demo on decorative cones for candy or flowers, etc.
Halloween is coming soon! Marci Meyer will be giving members a brief demo on Halloween Treats.
Also, this month's meeting will mostly be all about our Trail of Quilts 2018 show. All members are asked to attend and be prepared to volunteer if you have not done so and if you are a Committee Chair be ready to give an update. Patsy Franko and Genny Applebee will update everyone on the show quilt in-check process. Remember, we need all hands on deck to set up the show and please be there to lend a hand for tear down. Pam Kidd & Diane Grayson handed out bags for our show quilts with the row and number where they are to be hung. Other than that, be prepared to enjoy another wonderful Chino Valley Qulter's show! |
September ~ Tote Bag Workshop
~ Lucille Hurley
Lucille offered to hold this workshop for all of us that wanted to make the great tote bag that she and others carried. Although we were not able to finish up in one day, Lucille has offered to hold another class or even come to our homes to help us complete the bags. Thank you, Lucille!
Our August Program
August, 2018 - Bingo Game
` Patsy Franko
July, 2018- Trunk Show
` Susan Gates Harms
Our Susan Gates Harms brought in a beautiful, albeit small sampling, of her quilts, wall hangings, etc. She had many quilts with varied colors, techniques, materials, and design. Susan seldom uses a pattern any longer; preferring to design or adapt her own designs.
April,2018 - Sew-In
The members came and brought with them lots of sewing machines, irons/boards, mats/Scissors, and etc. I do not know how many quilt tops were completed but the material was flying and everyone was busy.
Liz Hart, along with committee members Mary Pat Lujan, Carol Rabbitt, Sandi White, Pat Smeaton, and Marci Meyer quickly set up tables, quilt kits, miscellaneous fabrics, batting and etc. to make the Sew-In fun and convenient for all members. A big thank you to this committee for all of the fine work they do for our guild! P.S. the snacks, as usual, were great! |
March, 2018 - Installation of Officers and Tea Party
The Parade of Hats - three winners