User's Guide
The main sections of this website have been created using static Pages, time-sensitive Blogs, interactive Forms and dynamic Apps. When you are in the Weebly builder "Pages" menu, clicking the "+" to "Add a Page," brings up a menu that offers several different kinds of pages. What they are, and when and why to use each type, is described briefly here. Standard Page An unchanging or "static" page designed for timeless content, or content that rarely if ever changes or needs to be updated. In traditional print media, this content is sometimes called "boilerplate," referring to text that can be written once, then republished without major changes over and over, such as company histories, missions or philosophies, policies, staff info. boxes and contact info. As the metaphor suggests, static pages are somewhat rigid and fixed in place, so they contribute importantly to a site's architectural structure and stability. The style or tone of these pages tends to be more informative than conversational, and they seem to be authored by a general or omniscent voice rather than a specific personality. In Weebly, standard pages cannot be saved as drafts, so whatever you do to them is written to the live site almost instantaneously (and there is no "undo"). Types of content for which Pages are best:
This site uses Pages here:
Blog Page A type of web page for content that is frequently, or at least regularly, updated. Blog pages are designed for content for which time is an important element, such as news, upcoming events and recurring yet unique events, such as meeting activities. "Blog" is short for "web log" and its diary entries are called posts, a term that refers to "posting a bill," or pinning information to a bulletin board or public display such as a kiosk. Blog pages stamp content with a publication date, then display it in reverse chronological order (most recent post first, at top of blog page). Blog pages also let you stamp content with Categories, subject "tags" you attach to content and which can be used to sort and filter information for display. Using Categories and Archives lists of links (often displayed in a sidebar; here, in the page headers), visitors can browse the whole blog quickly and choose what they want. Blog pages also include an RSS Feed, which lets users or other applications (such as Facebook) subscribe to or "follow" the blog and receive instant updates as soon as new content is published to it. Posts also encourage interaction; visitors comment or "leave a reply" that can be reviewed by the blog editor or published instantaneously. Blog style and tone is more conversational than a static page, with a stronger sense of a specific author's voice speaking. Blog posts are meant to be shared, so blog pages are more social than static ones. Choose a blog post for anything that's newsworthy, time-sensitive or calls for updating more than once or twice a year. Typical content best suited for a blog post:
Blog pages in this site:
Interactive HTML page that lets users input information, which is then forwarded to a designated contact via email. Different forms may have different fields, and different contacts. Apps The website structure also includes content managed dynamically (automatically updated) through an app (short for “application) that has been connected with, or feeds from, a site blog page or external platform. This site uses two:
Weebly builder also offers a Store Page, Product Page, and Category Page, e-commerce elements that are not applicable for the current site.
Chino Valley Quilters is a group of friends and neighbors who share a love of quilting. We hold general meetings the second Tuesday of each month in Chino Valley and a Quilt Show every other year. Read more About Us and our history.
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