How to Use our Website
Remember that you can "go home" quickly from anywhere in the site by either clicking on the Pronghorn logo (top of each page) or any of the capitalized headings in the footer (bottom of each page).
That will bring up the main dark blue Menu Bar at the top of the page under our Pronghorn logo. The bar reads as follows:
When you select one of the main groups, for example; COMMUNITY, there will be a drop down box showing more areas to explore. When a drop down box has a small arrow to the right, there will be yet another area open up for you to explore or not as you choose.
You will also notice that there are "buttons" (usually blue with white lettering) and brown or rust color words in some of the titles and within some of the general wordings. These brown/rust words indicate that it is a link to more information or to photos or galleries for that area of interest.
We have strived to make it easy to navigate within the site without always having to go back "home."
You can always become involved in helping to improve our website by notifying us of any inaccuracies, when you feel something is missing, if you have old photos of quilt shows, meetings, show and tell, and etc. If you run across something you feel would be of interest to all members, please contact one of us either directly or by use of the website contact form under "CONTACT."
Please take a little time to browse through the website and we feel confident you will enjoy your journey.
A few places worth visiting:
- HOME - Will always have information on the up-coming meeting including the Program, Workshop and or Special Event as well as a reminder of who the next hostesses and greeters are. Will include news and updates on the 2014 Quilt Show.
Also on the HOME page (bottom left corner) see the article that Marilyn Maines and Pat Lujan wrote about the Black & White & ?? Challenge. There is a link to the entire article and a link to all of the pictures in the Gallery as well. - PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Programs & Workshops - Susan Joy Noyes will be adding updates to these areas on a regular basis. She will also archive all programs and workshops. Watch for updates on current and upcoming Programs and news on Workshops and Special Events. Blocks & Challenges - Select this and see information on Learning, Comfort Quilt, and Holiday blocks, including a link to the directions and pictures of most of the blocks.
- GALLERY - Special Events & Other - Chino Valley & Ash Fork Head Start (great fun pictures of the children with their quilts!). Programs & Activities; see Friendship Groups, Show & Tell, and the Black & White & ?? Challenge pictures. Oh, and don't miss the slide show of the 2012 Quilt Show; just click on Quilt Shows.
- MEMBERSHIP - Recent and new members may like to see About Us and then Our Story to learn more about Chino Valley Quilters.
Also under MEMBERSHIP is a great drop down For Our Members with lots of great information and help. Be sure to look at the Downloads & Links where you will see that you can download the information and patterns for our Comfort Quilt block of the month, Learning Blocks and see what is coming up for the Holiday Traditions Blocks.
There is so much more for you to enjoy like "RESOURCES" where you will find Tips & Tricks. So take your time and enjoy. We are confident there will be something for everyone within this website!
Your Website Committee Members:
Carol Branch, Brenda Burchill, Diane Grayson, Susan Joy Noyes, and Judy Van Haecke